We provides guidance and facilitation in an organization’s process of defining its strategy, and making decisions on how to allocate resources to contribute to the strategy; a process that is called strategic planning.
Development of Strategic Plans
We use a conceptually sound and participatory approaches for the development of strategic plans. The process typical include a review of the fundamental factors, the performance of the previous plans, analysis of the internal and external environment, SWOT analysis, development of strategic options and determination of strategic choices. Therefore, an appropriate implementation and monitoring and evaluation plans are developed.
Strategic Plan Review
Review of a strategic plan forms a mark on progress toward the realization of the vision as an organization. It also gives you that amazing opportunity to realign your endeavors especially when it comes to the changing circumstances. It enables you to continue to encounter and to ensure that your plan continues to drive the entire team towards the organizational strategic goals.
Smartmind General Consult’s work is to facilitate focused discussion sessions with the Board and Management staff in review of values, vision and mission statements, goals and objectives, activities, resources, assigned responsibilities, policy development as applicable, and a schedule and timelines for measureable progress and accomplishment.